May 20, 2024
Solving this nation’s housing crisis, which has triggered an all-time high in homelessness, begins with demystifying the reasons it exists. The National Low Income Housing Coalition answers the why, advances policies that make housing attainable and builds the political will to achieve large-scale solutions. For 50 years it has been unwavering in its focus on the housing needs of lowest income renters, engaging them as partners in their advocacy and as members of the Board of Directors. As the super talented Sarah Saadian, Senior VP of Public Policy and Field Organizing, explains on this episode of Power Station, there are two main drivers of the housing crisis: a severe shortage of homes that are affordable and available to extremely low-income renters and our systemic wage gap, which make it impossible for working people to meet ever increasing rent demands. She points to the Coalition’s annual GAP report, which documents these conditions state by state, providing policymakers with the stark realities of their constituents. The Coalition’s marshaling of $46 billion during the pandemic is legendary. Next up, the full federal investment needed to solve our housing crisis.